April 01, 2013

Benefits of combining Chiropractic care and Physical Therapy

Over the past year, millions of American's have been treated by both chiropractors and physical therapists. However, you don't often hear of patients receiving treatment from both, simultaneously.

Chiropractic care's primary focus is on the musculoskeletal and nervous system while Physical Therapy's focus is on muscle strength and mobility. Many patients strictly need Chiropractic care only and visa versa. For example, if you are someone who occasionally wakes up with a pinched nerve in your neck, seeing a chiropractor may suit you just fine. On the other hand, if you are an athlete who doesn't want to worsen an old sports injury, physical therapy may be ideal.

So, what kind of patient would be a good candidate for integrating Physical Therapy and Chiro? Really it can be anyone who is suffering from any kind of joint pain, along with weakness from muscles loss. There are plenty of people who suffer from back pain who get great results by incorporating PT and strengthening the muscles around the joint. Knee arthritis patients are also good candidates that are often accompanied with low back pain. The Chiro will treat the low back while the PT focuses on the muscles around the lumbar and around the knee.

Physical Therapy and Chiropractic are two different types of therapies. Although they have a common goal to of easing pain and enhancing the quality of life, each is very different by nature. Ask your doctor if combining the two would benefit you.

Woodward Medical Center


  1. Physical Therapy and Chiropractic are two different types of therapies provide on this health blog.in this blog provied more benifit for Therapies.Give us great information on health store service.

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  2. Thanks for sharing this information, its been helpful! I've thought about chiropractors in Mississauga that could possibly help me out. I'm just nervous to go to someone new. Not that the one I have now is much help..

  3. There are plenty of people who suffer from back pain who get great Chiropractic medicine r esults by incorporating PT and strengthening the muscles around the joint. Knee arthritis patients are also good candidates that are often accompanied with low back pain.
